Torito Events
Argentine Tango

Dance workshops
Private lessons
Tango Agenda for the Netherlands
Go Tango Worldwide
Consulting event organisors

Rob ('Torito') Nuijten, Amsterdam.
BTW (VAT) nr: NL001142230B63

Privacy statement

Rob dances Argentine Tango since 1991, and took classes at the Academia de Tango (Lalo & Mirta), participated in workshops from other local teachers, and Argentine dancers visiting the Netherlands (Antonio Todaro, Pepito Avellaneda, Claudia & Esteban, Gustavo Naveira, Tete Rusconi, Osvaldo Zotto & Lorena Hermocida, Carlos Gavito, Paola & Orlando, Ruth & Andreas), or at festivals in Europe (Fabian Salas and many, many others). Because of his 'energetic' style of dancing in his early years, he was nicknamed 'Torito'. He went to Buenos Aires a few times to experience the Argentine tango culture at its birthplace.

In the past years, Rob taught dance classes organised by Tangoschool Amsterdam, Tangoschool Rotterdam and Tangoschool Amsteltango, Tangation in Culemborg and occasionally for schools in Italy, England, and Singapore and a Tango+salsa holiday in Spain.
Now, he teaches on invitation of event organisors or dance schools or give an occasional private lesson, like for actors.

Dance lessons / Favorite themes

Musicality, creativity, personality and expression.
Standing secure, dedication to the partner, a pleasent tension, comfortable, relaxed, taking care of yourself.
Think also of: 'Dare to be different' or 'Get a life!'
With lots of attention for the lady, who makes half the dance.
These are the basics, of the technique and of the ideas from which we dance.

The pleasure of dancing tango comes from the contact that is essential for improvisation. First after we learn what it means to really dance together, we should expand our repertoir of steps.
The students themselves should understand that they themselves could also invent steps, moves, combinations, since all steps are once invented, by someone creative, who dared to. A step could not be copied if no one had created it first.
No one dances the same way and no one should try become a copy of his teacher. Nor should a teacher think his/her style of dancing should be copied.
And nothing should be copied before it is understood and experienced as valuable.
The style of your tango dancing will be shaped after your body, energy, mood, preferences in music but also by your favorite dancepartners who'll still all have their unique qualities, capabilities and desires.

Two, unique persons, dancing together, should enjoy the dialogue. Dancing Tango is not about the leader, telling the follower which step to make, in which direction and with which speed. But it is also not about the follower waiting for an opportunity, given by the leader, to throw her own few seconds of creativity into the dance. The leader must learn to be sensitive for the followers creativity and the follower must learn to communicate her wishes while dancing (and without speaking a word!).

Advanced dancers may have developed an automatism, in dancing patterns, without realising they have lost the pleasure of the contact that comes with improvisation. For them it would be good to do excercizes that make them aware of the loss, and regain the pleasure of more adventurous dancing.

Although I consider teaching steps the least important, one should not be afraid not to learn any. Every lesson contains steps that fit best to the theme of the lesson.

A technique for ladies (in dutch)
Een voorstel doen

The song (a milonga) 'El Torito' has in its name and its speed some relation to Robs dancing. Postcards with these images have been sent, from Buenos Aires, by Ricardo 'El Holandes' and Hans & Yolande Gerver. Thanks guys!

For many years, Rob maintained the only online Tango Agenda of the Netherlands. When Facebook became the main channel for organisors to promote their events and another online agenda started to compete with it, the receival of necessary updates started to decline after which it became too complicated to keep the agenda clean from outdated info. That's why Rob now focusses on special Tango events, like workshops , shows and concerts, and leaves the agenda of 'where to go dance tonight' to the Tangokalender, that you'll also find at the
Tango Agenda for the Netherlands

Then there're the webpages that were consulted by travellers. One could choose the continent of your interest and find the tangowebsites per country and city. Since social media and apps became the main source of information for travellers, this webpage has no longer been maintained, though.
Go Tango Worldwide

Enthusiasm about the skill of professional dancers and musicians and his wish to see the right artists be booked for the right jobs, made him start a service for event organisors. Those who seek Tango musicians and/or Tango dancers can be assured of the best help one can get. Event organisors of theaters, festival organisors, large companies, television- and radiomakers used the insights and contacts build upon three decades of Tango experiences, through Torito Events (This is not an agency. Torito Events is hired by the event organisor, not by the artists).
Torito Event


SUNDAY July 21
Matinee Tango Amsterdam

Milonga steps +adornos,
Geraldina y 'Torito'
Variations from intermediate to advanced 2. € 20. With salon €30.

Tango workshop by Manuela & Ezequiel
Creative Ganchos and Boleos for salon. € 20.
With salon €30.

19:00-22:00 salon. DJ EQ. €15.
With workshop demo by the teachers.
Dansschool Kluver, De Lairessestraat 157, Amsterdam

March 1st, 2023

desde Amsterdam'

in millonga Caminito
Córdoba, Argentina

Bas Knuttel: Went to this concert... and I was completely struck by the subtleness of Dino saluzi and his family. Every one of them playing their instrument so refined and together so harmonious. Not one dull or 'over the top' moment, from the first to the last note pure -as in sincere-music of the highest quality. Bought the cd Navidad de los Andes with a violoncello in the line up... and their work in the studio is just as sincere. I'll definetely try and see them again and recommend it to everyone who is not just interested in the bandoneon in standard tango role. But this Music definately had a 'state of tango' all throughout the concert. pS and thanx Rob Torito for bringing this concert to our attention and organizing the salon afterwards.

Moon Tummers: Ik vond het onverwacht mooie muziek. Heb genoten, ook van het intieme salonnetje er na.

Friday September 30, 2016.

Concert by the Argentine singer/gitarist Marili Machado with Duo Montes in Amsterdam,
Presentation by Rob Nuijten.
Nightly afterparty on a boat during which Marilí generously played many other songs of their vast reportoire.

Pictures of the concert on board

That night Marili Machado and Duo Montes played in Theater Munganga.

December 27, 2015

Live music by
Ville Hiltula (bandoneon) and Anke Steenbeke (piano)

Dances by
Leonie & Jelger, Patty & Rob, Arielle & Soesanto, Anita & Roshan

Tango show arranged by Rob Nuijten (Torito Events)
Amsterdam Light Walk, in start-and-finish location Passengers Terminal Amsterdam

Monday September 28, 2015.
Torito introduced the Argentine trio Marili Machado to Amsterdam tango friends
with a private early evening boat trip trough the centre during which the trio generously played much of their on stage reportoire.
Boat trip connected to teatro Munganga, where a few songs were played as well.
The trio was in NL only this one day, an intermezzo of their European tour.

From left to right: Renske & Mutlu, Almar & Isolde, Rob & Isolde

A serie of performances organised by Le Champion, for the occasion of the Van Dam-tot-Dam Walking Tour.
The podium delivered was not danceable, so we choose to dance on this blue tarp instead!

Actors, dancers and musicians after the final rehearsal for their performance at the Vuurol festival, May 24 and 25, 2015.
Photo: Marco Rochette (the director)

Chain of performances, with also one dance/theatre piece by tango dancers and actors

May 24 and 25 (2015)
Vuurol festival

Mycelium - drama dance,
Put together by Dance school Cielito and Theatergroep het WEB.

Location: in the woods near Lage Vuursche, behind the castle Drakenstein.
NB: This performance is one of a whole variety of performances offered for the single entrance ticket.

Location on Google Maps
The play: mycelium
Performers: and

Optional: performances at Fringe festival in Delft, June 6

Rob & Marit in a 4 minute act with a 'deadly' tango dance, on live music ('Assassins Tango'), for 'De Rode Draad', a 75 minute concert/theatre piece by students of the School For Young Talent at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague.

Rob & Isolde dance for a world congress of advocates in Amsterdam as an appetiser for a next congress taking place in Buenos Aires.

Dutch cinema movie
Torito Event was asked to pick 4 dancers who'd perform the Argentine tango for a Dutch movie, i
n a scene recorded in the night of July 7th 2010.

Rob dancing with Erica in a tango salon in Amsterdam in April 2010. Photo by tango photographer Peter Forret. Click for the whole picture.
©2010 Peter Forret:
Check out Peter's page

Rob & Manuela (Ribeiro), performance, Tangation, Culemborg.
December 2009. Photo © Ellen Verhagen.

Rob & Claudia gave a 2 hour clinic about leadership, for the managers of a very large insurance company.
December 2009. Photo by the chauffeur.

Lima, Peru
The teachers/organisors of CiTAngo welcomed Rob as Tango DJ for their milonga on May 10, 2009.

Rob & Sonja at the set of a Nescafe commercial. 20 tangodansers and 10 musicians and many extra's created a flashback of a salon de tango from the 40's.

Photo © Arjan Sikking (one of the other dancers for Nescafé)
Colour retouch by Rob Nuijten


On request of KPN, Torito Event organised 20 advanced Tangodancers and the best teachers in the Netherlands for a tango dance lesson to the award winning top employees, and a dance performance.


Tango in the Old Church ( de Oude Kerk ), in the centre of Amsterdam.
Organised by de Oude Kerk for the Museum Night of 2004. Torito Event advised, invited the dancers, organised the musicians and the DJ.

Photo © Rob Nuijten 



Luna de Tango is a foundation that organised various Tango events to raise money for projects in the poorest neighbouhoods of Buenos Aires.
Rob is the president of the board (4) of Luna de Tango.




To introduce an Argentine Tango couple to the tangueros of the Netherlands, tangosalons with short lessons were organised.


Rob & Chi-E (from Japan) gave workshops in Sunderland, England.


Amsterdam, Dam square.
Torito Event organised a Tango performance on request of Hete Herfst (a protest against the choices in budget cuts by the Dutch government).
Dancers Yerpun & Inge (Amsterdam)
Click image for larger photo.

DJ Torito at Stadsbal The Hague
March 12, 2010

Rob & Manuela Rivero
Workshop milonga & performance in Culemborg

Rob & Patty (van Hoften), improvisation at the Academia de Tango, Amsterdam.
Music: La Cachila, by Osvaldo Pugliese.
November 2009. Photo © Bert Verleur.
Video of this performance

Couple taking a private lesson in Rob's home.


Carlos Gavito
for this worldfamous and very inspiring dancer and his dance partner Maria Plazaolla, Rob organised a special Gran Salon de Tango in Grand Cafe De Kroon in Amsterdam, during their first incidental visit to the Netherlands. The Dutch tango dancers came from all over the country, on a wednesday night, to see their dance performances, and enjoy the dance night.

Gavito and various partners were then asked to teach at the Tangomagia festivals in Amsterdam.

Carlos Gavito regretfully passed away July 1st 2005. As long as his legs supported him he inspired many with his sensual dance, done with immense feel for the music.


Ernesto Candal, professional Tango dancer, wrote from Buenos Aires:

Gavito said, on his last birthday in the Sunderland Club:
"Madurar es del Alma" (To mature comes from the soul)

Photo © Alex Waterhouse-Hayward (Vancouver, Canada)


For a party in Scotland, Torito Event was chosen to put a dinner show together, with mainly Tango.
The show was realised with a group of 4 tango dancers and 10 musicans, originally from Argentina, USA, Russia, the Netherlands, Germany and Scotland. The musicians played Argentine Folk and Argentine Tango,
Jazz, Klezzmer.

Rob & Jolanda danced at 'Reflejo de luna' (by alacran) at the launch of the CD 'Latin Lounge' (label Putumayo) in the Sugar Factory in Amsterdam.

Ernesto Candal
immediatly enthusiastic about the arrival of this elegant dancer in Amsterdam, Rob became the agent of him and Christiane Palha, for the time of Ernestos stay in the Netherlands.
They had workshops  and performances in milongas in Amsterdam, The Hague, became the maestros of the Deventer Tango festival where they gave workshops, and also performed on stage with Richard Galliano. They concluded the cooperation with performances at Robs 'TangoX4' weekend in Amsterdam
Then they joined Toneelgroup Amsterdam to dance in the theatreplay 'Romeo and Julia' in the role of Paris and Julia, after which Ernesto returned to Buenos Aires.

PR photo © Rob Nuijten

Rob & Sonja (Germany) were teaching a serie of classes in Amsterdam. 2002-2003.

At a highschool in Harderwijk, Rob gave a Tango dance class, assisted by Sonja Mildner.

Rob & Gabriëlle Nederend danced in the show 'Olé Tango!'.
With this show they visited 35 theaters and concert halls in the Netherlands.
At the Tangoschool Amsterdam they taught 3 levels of regular classes (2001).

Video still © René Oey
Show in Royal Theatre Carré, Amsterdam.


Rob & Machiko raised money for human rights organisations in Argentina, as that being a part of the Alternative National Gift to crown prince Willem Alexander and prinses Maxima, when they married.

No Tango Royal. Rob and his dancepartner Gabriëlle were invited, before that, to do a dance performance and a dance lesson at a party of crown prince Willem Alexander and his bride Máxima, 2 days before they married, but Rob declined. There were two reasons for that: Rob thinks princes and princesses, kings and queens are fairytale figures like Sint Nikolaas and Santa Claus (sorry, children) that Rob refuses to say 'your highness' to. Also, the head of state should be chosen democraticly.

It is rather silly to give a lady the status of a princess, just because of her marriage to a man, who, just simply by birth, was given a status of crown prince, and then simply start to cheer them and gasp at them as if they did magnificent things.

The second reason for decline, was the possibility that Jorge Zorreguieta, father of the bride and important member of the murderous government of the formar military juntaleader Videla (Argentina) could attend this party, at a royal palace in The Hague.

Rob is instead a supporter of the H.I.J.O.S. Holanda, children of the missing and murdered, victims of Zorreguietta and his compañeros en lo malo.

Photo © Sonja Mildner


A few steps on video
Rob & Jolanda practising in the Vondelpark Open Air theatre in Amsterdam.

Sept 4, 2005, RTL4, Television
In the first edition of the new Dutch lifestyle programm' Cheers', Rob & Jolanda gave a dance lesson in a television broadcast about painter Tessa van der Voort, who paints Tango and flamenco dancers.

Rob taught workshops and private lessons in Singapore.